Ready to break free from auto-pilot living as a christian mom?

Download this mini-ebook and take the first step towards a more intentional, spiritually connected life.

Get "homeschool mom" brain under control

Download this FREE toolkit to help you remember “ALL THE THINGS” and get some order to your busy mind.


Hi, I'm Ty Benjamin!

Hi, I'm Ty Benjamin!

Christian wife and homeschooling mom of 2. I’ve learned the hard way that the stress and strains of being “at-home” are real. From marriage, to homemaking, to homeschooling, our lives can be very overwhelming and intimidating. That’s why I’ve decided to become an encouraging resource for Christian homeschool moms who are struggling with some of the things I’ve struggled with like faith, confidence, overwhelm, and productivity – and some things that I still do.   

It’s my prayer that this toolkit helps you on your journey to your best self. My mission is to inspire us all to pursue self-improvement, to rely on God’s grace and seek His wisdom, and to feel confident in our ability to create an authentic home and school experience for our families. 

Download your free toolkit!

and Get more order to your day.
